il_melograno_editore-logo The Square e la dislessiapresents:


Visual learning for English

The_Square-quattro_quadrati-per-imparare_l_inglese The Square e la dislessia

The "THE SQUARE", awarded the European Language Label in 2009, vanta collaborazioni nazionali all’avanguardia e ben 59 patronage by the highest Italian institutions. Accredited by Min. of public instruction, è stato argomento di discussione in varie tesi di laurea nelle università italiane e tradotto in Braille dalla stamperia regionale di Catania. In the years, il metodo si è affermato come risorsa per la didattica rivolta ad allievi affetti da Disturbi Specifici di Apprendimento.
Autobiography of Santina Spiriti Publications The Method How To Join? Press Review Link Annexes Video
the_square-blueglass The Square e la dislessiaENGLISH IS… SQUARED!

From the first moment I analyzed the method of teaching English by Santina Spiriti, I realized that I was faced with a original and ingenious methodology. I deal with language teaching methodology from 1998, and in all these years I've only seen revisions and adjustments of communicative method in vogue in the early 80 's: nothing really innovative and surprising. Surprising, indeed, this method of the poster, because of its simplicity and its effectiveness. È una di quelle invenzioni che ti fanno dire: "how did nobody think about it before?”. È un capolavoro di sintesi, the conceptual map of the entire English language in a few lines and regulated in a few diagrams. Una soluzione per gli studenti che si perdono tra le spiegazioni prolisse e unnecessarily complicated by many other methods ". Anna FrescoEditorial Manager.


Can English be taught using drawings? Anna Fresco, Editorial Manager, did not hesitate to define the method The Square "an absolutely brilliant and original methodology, a masterpiece of synthesis ".

uk-flag-plastic-150x150 The Square e la dislessiaEASY!

Making use of Visual memory, This teaching method allows each Learn easily, avoiding unnecessary efforts mnemonic, the basic concept of the English language and allows, in a short time, di districarsi nella costruzione di all sentences constituting the language repertoire. (Read more…)


publications textbooks for schools are designed in such a way as to involve the student ’: with the original proposal ’ of his teaching line, the method “The Square” makes the language easier and more enjoyable than ever! With greatly reduced learning time!


uk-flag-baloon-150x150 The Square e la dislessiaCONTACT US!

Write Us or request a videoconference. The editors of The Square – School of English will give you an appointment as soon as possible!


sq-online-logo The Square e la dislessiaADVANTAGES & CERTAINTIES:

A success witnessed by years of experimentation, based on ensuring a continuous cooperation and support of the national conventions.

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Learn all about the new method of teaching English by Santina Spiriti, able to provide really anyone the basics necessary to express syntactic properly in English.

Read more about it on ’ the author… Consult the required documentation, editorial proposal descriptions, the commercial notes in claims section.

The structural architecture of the ’ trail with all student ’ series volumes
“The Square” by Santina Spiriti
makes this methodology
la proposta formativa di prima scelta nell’insegnamento rivolto ad allievi affetti da disturbi specifici dell’apprendimento.

Awarded in Europe and, more often – thing that keeps us even more proud of the projectappreciated by students or members of their families, for the simple stem modularity. …This is “The Square”.

All initiatives, events, adoptions, sponsors of “The Square – School of English”. And some substantial volumes of the series premieres, Download.

santina-spiriti-con-sgarbi-295x300 The Square e la dislessia

The author ’ Santina Spiriti with the testimonial Vittorio Sgarbi

Join the project by adopting the texts for your educational Institute, or Open a Center “the Square”.

training offer for the English language teaching ’, It consists of a poster (the first editorial project element, adopted on the walls of hundreds of schools), 5 volumi per le scuole elementari, 2 volumi formativi per insegnanti, various exercises, and some dispensations in paper and multimedia.

The organization, così come lo svolgimento di un piano didattico per la lingua inglese – It's for school, per i corsi di aggiornamento professionale di enti pubblici o privati – are simplified considerably, enhanced and enriched by the possibilities provided by the ’ training “The Square”.

fill-in-the-square-253x300 The Square e la dislessia


vol-1-213x300 The Square e la dislessia

» view/download the specifications of volumes (Click here)

vol-2-213x300 The Square e la dislessiavol-3-211x300 The Square e la dislessiavol-4-211x300 The Square e la dislessiavol-5-211x300 The Square e la dislessia
The Foundation "The Square" accepts donations and free annual subscriptions to fund research in teaching dyslexic students with language or other Specific Learning Disorders; return any valuable contribution with educational materials (Click here for details).


The growing membership meets the I still favour academic opinion, with awards including "The Square" features, along with a few other studies, the frieze;
of the institutions: more frequent meetings and events taken by mayors and municipalities in each region;
of public opinion, with the glowing positive feedback
We receive our contact boxes.    

The Square has been awarded the European language Label (read…)

uk-great-britain-union-jack-flag-with-fireworks-background-1024x678 The Square e la dislessia logo_it-the_square-commissione_europea-delle-lingue The Square e la dislessiaIn 2009 the method has been awarded the European language label by the European Commission, which has undergone careful examinations the dozens of participating projects by rewarding the project "The Square – by Santina spiriti".


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Simple and quick: How does the The Square”? Watch now an introductory lesson (Click here)


method for English syntax & grammar Schooling

by Santina Spiriti