È possibile acquistare l’offerta formativa della collana “The Square” for private use, or adopt “The Square” for teaching circles.

All publications of the project “The Square” are available in the major catalogues of online publishing ’: l ’ purchase is just a click away for everyone. In addition to exercises, the posters and educational texts, You can also find works of fiction and poetry signed by the Author of the project ’.

Recall, aimed specifically at teaching circles and schools, You can order all the educational materials directly to the Foundation “The Square”, or by contacting the Publishing House Doesbbrica dethe signs. All books and publications, included media, (e.g.. audiobook) are available upon request at the three locations the project organizational, and may not be in the stores on the internet. Addresses and phone numbers can be found in the of page contacts. You can write from there, through the contact form. We will be happy to give you any further information.

Click on logos to open its catalogues in a new tab/window in your browser:

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logo_sanpaolo_store-metodo_the_square Acquistare "The Square" online:i-libri-di-santina_spiriti-su-unilibro Acquistare "The Square" online: