
arrow_1 Video Conferenza Audio Video Conference
arrow_1 Video Conferenza Videoconferencing of “THE SQUARE”
arrow_1 Video Conferenza Structure of the course
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arrow_1 Video Conferenza Audio Video Conference

fotona Video ConferenzaThe current distance education (d.e.) uses a very broad telematic network which allows, concurrent well, of the various professional figures: the mentors and, in any case, the expert; they transcend the boundaries of the classroom and real class, by enabling more complex interactions, as a student-tutor, pupil-expert, tutor-expert. The choice of the virtual environment as a teacher-learner interaction greatly simplifies the Organization of academic activity, allowing the participation of subject, teachers and students, che nella quotidianità avrebbero difficoltà a presenziare.

Comodamente dalla propria postazione informatica gli attori della videoconferenza possono rispettivamente strutturare e seguire i corsi, create and download teaching materials, prepare and perform verifications. To define a remote training system it is necessary to highlight the main characteristics:– separation between teacher and learner during academic activity;– using interactive multimedia media;– new learning materials and training system management;– importance of a formative phase aimed at teachers to the management and monitoring of the educational system.There are several ways of delivery of distance education, using channels to transmit data very different. Among these it is believed that the use of the pc, telematic tools and the internet are the most positive for the following reasons: 1. grado di interattività e di flessibilità; 2. potenzialità applicative; 3. basso costo hardware e software; 4. larga diffusione di questi strumenti nel contesto lavorativo e aziendale.
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arrow_1 Video Conferenza Videoconferencing of “THE SQUARE”
The training process takes place in real time, While the teacher and learners are physically separated from each other. In this phase, meetings are possible fronts in virtual classroom. The meetings will utilize electronic support; You can communicate via voice (IP voice) that chat. Particularly useful additional functionality which will reveal the virtual whiteboard, application sharing between PC and student trainer, the sharing of files on the server or on the hard disk, the direct connection to the documentation on the internet on sites of libraries and universities.PARTICULARLY USEFUL ARE THE FOLLOWING INSTRUMENTS:
  • lavagna virtuale
  • condivisione di applicativi tra i PC del trainer e dell’allievo
  • condivisione dei file presenti sul server o sugli hard disk
  • connessione diretta alla documentazione presente in internet sui siti di biblioteche e centri di studio
  • la registrazione della sessione d’aula ad opera dell’allievo
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arrow_1 Video Conferenza Structure of the course
Level: 1
Duration: 45 hours
Lessons: 30 by 1,5 hours for 2 weekly meetings
Maximum number of participants per class: 7
Delivery mode: The course is conducted in videoconference (teachers and students that make lesson into a full-fledged virtual classroom where you can see each other, talk and study together)
Minimum technical characteristics of your personal computer: To attend you can simply have the following computer requirements: HARDWARE/CONNECTION

  • ADSL or higher , corporate LAN
  • PC obsolete (at least pentium III or equivalent)
  • Headphones with good quality microphone ( about 10 €)
  • Auxiliary tools: web-cam, graphics tablet.


  • Windows operating system 2000 or later (exclude Linux and Mac)
  • Internet Explorer (exclude Firefox, Mozilla)
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