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il-poster-di-the-square Pubblicazioni
fotoquadrati Pubblicazioniposter-300x205 PubblicazioniISBN 978-88-9843-870-9

1) Soli 4 quadrati in forma scalare contengono, in an overview, all the basic concept of English grammar, so that the student can monitor whenever you feel the need. The scaling allows the modularity and therefore the application of mathematics. If underlines “the uniqueness” in its field.
2) Nel primo quadrato sono presentate tutte le WH… words.
The color highlights the phrases that characterize. Can, cosi, become the same student, a skilled performer in build.
3) In the second of four squares is an extraordinary thing. The color becomes the common denominator of all the English syntax. The auxiliaries are grouped and separated with a mathematical logic, in two collections and, with a functional language in technique and technique B you can ask questions and give feedback both positive and negative, with simplicity, at all times, having the idea to study playing.
4) The Square is a work tool for the ’ teacher and student learning.
It is not a substitute for nothing. Is any other integrative method or existing public school book. It is innovative. The use of color to highlight the syntax involves the visual appearance of the learner.

TS-Method Pubblicazioni
method-297x300 PubblicazioniISBN 978-88-9843-871-6

“THE SQUARE – method” provides and suggests teachers a set of new teaching techniques in the form of tabs; with this setting, teachers can easily integrate the Square method with their own teaching methodology, depending on the actual educational needs occurring in the teaching context. 'Visualization' is the paradigm on which the whole methodology is based. The cards of "The Square" method are actually many small chalkboards with the arguments for you to remain on paper in the same way intended by the teacher. This allows the teacher to greatly improve effectiveness in transferring knowledge (transfer) , and the student to:

  • share topics widely and correctly:
  • logically reorder his/her "mnemonic store" of information
  • produce more food for thought and interaction with the teacher
  • become more aware of his/her natural potential.

The innovative use of shapes and colors to highlight grammatical elements creates the student a series of "mental hooks" visuals and motion, thus minimizing the explanations by the teacher and minimizing efforts of memory and learning time at any age: children, boys, adults and older people. The contrast between the colors black and Red, absent in books printed in black-and-white and written whiteboards with traditional white chalks, It is particularly effective for triggering the mnemonic devices and student to highlight aspects that frequently threaten the proper learning process.
According to the author in this concept is contained the secret of fluidity of “The Square”.

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fill-in-the-square Pubblicazioni
FILLITS Pubblicazionifill-in-the-square-253x300 PubblicazioniISBN 978-88-9843-863-1

The teacher can use the texts “Fill In The Square” as guidance and draw from the (as if it were a well) all the necessary elements to transmit constructive logic and complete the learning process of students. As integrative teaching, the creator confirms to the complete freedom to use these materials in conjunction with their skills and with other educational materials deemed necessary to improve the training of the student, According to his aptitudes and motivations. Fill in The Square developing the curriculum in thirty lessons of the average length of an hour and a half each, deemed sufficient to acquire the student grammatical elements needed to begin its process of growth towards the skillful execution of this second language. The thirty lessons are divided into two sections of the book titled with two letters of the alphabet A and B. The group theory loses his a large role in "THE SQUARE" fully reflecting the will of the creator to assign to auxiliary verbs as protagonists of the entire English grammar. (A) and (B) given to each footer has the precise purpose of indicating the technique dealt with the topic and educate the student to think in these terms, providing preliminary suggestions for asking questions and answers.

VOL. 1

vol-1-213x300 PubblicazioniIsbns: 978-88-9843-864-8

The goal of "The Square 1" – Suggested for the first elementary class, is to educate a child of 6 years of age providing him an ideal context of playfulness. The very first rudiments of grammar , on how to ask questions and give answers, presented with a game of three squares in scalar form turn to tickle and develop in him the basics of cognitive processes by encouraging them to REPEAT, COLORING AND COPY.

  • REPEAT: educate your child at the correct use of his vocal cords. For this purpose, the text will be enriched by a DVD containing the game "Play the Square" e la registrazione di canzoncine con relative favole.
  • COLORING: develops its visual perception, his creativity and his fantasy.
  • COPY: It balances its face-motor skills. The "The Square" contained therein is presented as game. The objective is to confer the rudiments of grammar on how to formulate the first questions and give the first answers relating to topics covered. The training of the student will be able to count on familiar about one hundred and fifty words about colours, animals, school objects, parts of the human body and family names.
VOL. 2
vol-2-213x300 PubblicazioniIsbns: 978-88-9843-865-5

The aim of the text "The Square 2″ is to give the student the means, even technicians, on how to ask questions and give answers at all times with the use of squares in scalar form. The arguments presented are all absolutely appropriate to the levels of their intellectual growth. Make the student a skilled performer in the use of the verb "to be" is the main objective of the text, in addition it puts to use articles, possessive and demonstrative adjectives, with prepositions of place. It was intentionally avoided the conjugation of the verb be because it is a purely Italian problem. The rules are presented in the form of playing cards. The Italian used as a side dish in the four corners of each single card, offers more possibilities of meanings. The Polyp character acting as teacher-guide is the protagonist of the story with morals, at the end of the text.

VOL. 3

vol-3-211x300 PubblicazioniIsbns: 978-88-9843-866-2

The aim of the text "The Square 3″ is to satiate the curiosity of students by strengthening their linguistic knowledge with gradual immersion into a logical information, without damaging joints. The student is mature enough to be informed also on ’ using "there is" and "there are", the verb "to have" and "power" up to dare with the "present continuous". Follow these simple rules, Anyway, all the same behavioral process between question and answer regarding the verb to be. Help the student acquire and memorize new vocabulary, It is important to. The topics covered are; the timetable, the days of the week, the months, the seasons. The application of group theory is important. With the "The Square" is the explanation of the rules. The "viewing" avoids the use of unnecessary words. Animals are the main characters of text characters. A fable rich in moral closes the book. "Tonkyta" is the English teacher. His students a group of animals that is from Africa because Hyppo Yonito wants to become Tarzan. Tarzan della giungla ha bisogno delle liane per esercitarsi. La morale della favola ha a che fare con the presumption and with the lack of a proper assessment of its nature.

VOL. 4

vol-4-211x300 PubblicazioniIsbns: 978-88-9843-867-9

"The Square 4″ is the materialization of the dream of being able to spread with ease and playfulness all lower secondary school English in elementary school, building on the knowledge that the intellectual quotient of our youth are much higher than in the past. The contents of this text, for the first time in the field of elementary education, have a logical sense and can finally be the right stand where he can implant the notions that will meet in the lower secondary school, giving a logical sequence to the formation. Thanks to this amazing methodology students of the fourth year of primary school will finally enjoy the knowledge of the "will" of "Do" and "does" and drive them as pieces of a chessboard having fun in doing questions and provide answers. The text begins with a revision of the topics covered in the three previous books and is embellished by the presence of a serialized love story between two bunnies with a moral that enhances the value of friendship. It's chock full of games, crosswords and more. Each episode with its related questions, the model simulates the tasks in the classroom of middle school with regard to the "comprehension". Within the text, at the end of each lesson contains an extremely important exercise "PLAY THE GAME"!"At the exact setting in which it is presented is contained the secret of fluidity in speaking.

VOL. 5

vol-5-211x300 PubblicazioniIsbns: 978-88-9843-868-6

With the text "The Square 5″, you complete the ambitious project of spreading the contents, currently presented in middle school, during the five years of elementary school, all adapted to the intellectual quotient of young people of that age group. Thanks to powerful means of four squares in scalar form was an idea can donate their grammatical awareness display. Apart from the use of the future "Will", “The Square 5 ", also features "would" provide an opportunity to bid, to accept or reject them. The most powerful was, to be able to enter for the first time passed is considered by WAS_WERE author reversal technique ("technique) and the use of "Did" contemplated in B – Reaction of verbs. It offers as well the learner the opportunity to meet the Anglo-Saxon culture with snippets of news from the world, preparing it for a fact increasingly stretched out to globalisation. Priority has been given to comprehension, with exercises of true or false, that is not to ask the young, the development of questions and answers that would, even, knowledge of irregular verbs. Matter to be, absolutely, in middle school. The songs are almost always accompanied by a vocabulary which is nothing but the sequence in which you encounter the words in songs. The aim is to teach them to translate and to compose without the young man aware. The student is natural to think that the dial is a discovery.