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articles, opinions and comments on The Square project

nuvola1-300x152 Dicono di noi: <br/>articles, opinions and comments on The Square projectPublished on online platform “Cloud One” from a MOM in the province of Viterbo in favour of the draft “THE SQUARE”:

logo_libriliberi-300x163 Dicono di noi: <br/>articles, opinions and comments on The Square project

I am a mother of a girl 12 years of certified DSA, and… TUTOR for DSA. I had the great fortune to know personally the author of method ’ “The Square”, as I attended my daughter along with two of his courses. I can't express the ’ set of reactions and emotions that has produced this experience, I'll try farlo with few words. The first thing that fascinates you is just her, with his ways, as it manages to enchant and disenchant not only children but also parents during the lesson. His courses were to have multiple kids with learning disabilities and not, but the extraordinary thing that stood was that none of them has felt “different” from ’ more. The first to be seduced were their! I noticed right away my daughter's improvements and significant enhancement on her self-esteem! Tutors can tell you that the “The Square” is a “gift” that Sig. Spirits is putting at the disposal of all. Must be valued! Everyone has the right to be informed! I guarantee my presence at the Conference.



Monday, 27 January 2014

opinioni_metodo_insegnamento-lingua_inglese-Szilvia_Hrozina Dicono di noi: <br/>articles, opinions and comments on The Square project

The POSTER of the EVENT ’

locandina-dei-corsi-dinglese-a-Milano Dicono di noi: <br/>articles, opinions and comments on The Square project


  • Click on the ’ image above to read the ’ review (or download it by clicking here)
  • clicca sullo screenshot seguente per visitare il blog di doposcuola-dsa

doposcuola_screenshot-300x187 Dicono di noi: <br />articoli, opinioni e commenti sul progetto The Square



VIRGINIA WOOLF, VALERIA MARTINIS AND… SANTINA SPIRITS. (From a direct confrontation with the author).
Sociologia della comunicazione (From a direct confrontation with the author Ms. Noella Spirits).

STUDENT: Francesca VaasMatricola 2824.
PROFESSOR: Giovanni Fiorentino


“…The woman of the past tense "was" not look over the hedge. La donna degli anni sessanta iniziò a guardare oltre la siepe ma non aveva ancora né la forza fisica né la forza psichica per fare “il salto”.
Santina Spiriti, the author that I intend to examine, Instead,, a woman of our day, that had both the physical strength, both the psychic.
Let me quote confirming and supporting the ideas of Ornella Martini, the personal history of this contemporary author of Terni, a native of Corchiano prov. Of Viterbo, engaged in extraordinary and complex world of methodology, of teaching, fiction and poetry. Despite having no academic title to be shown, is distorting, with a single drawing, According to his beliefs, the traditional English language teaching, by applying mathematical sciences in the education of teachers. A courageous woman who, all conditioning and awed by the conditions and limitations of a life already planned, to 38 years, believing in herself, Decides to watch over and keep going with the conviction of his ideas, inventandosi di essere una insegnante di inglese.
But ... Where to go ...? You have everything! A classic in similar situations.
Feeling the good English teacher with only the knowledge of 9 month course when he was eighteen years old, makes teaching become his wonderful reality. Santina Spiriti, already discussion topic of master's thesis at the University of Genoa, language sciences and translated into braille by the unione italiana ciechi di Catania, lived up to 38 years as a traditional housewife wife. Today it has 63 and is still married.
"Writing has filled a void that not always I wanted" it literally reads at page. 108 de "my singing cicadas", autobiografico.
From the interview given personally by Spirits emerges the same thought to confirm and thought of Virginia Woolf and Martini.
"Write show the wonderful world of" consciousness ". Write gives you the strength to overcome the myriad of obstacles between you and the discovery of the world. Write placa and soothes the anxiety that you create inside you when the rules imposed by the company want to force you to live a life that is no longer your. Rules that usually create a gap between what you are and what others want you to be. Intellective mussel growth with those of practical life. The needs of intellectual growth Squeak strongly with the needs of the people around you and on which you are lying so far. Growth is: need to look beyond. Intellectual growth, maturity and freedom of "be" are goals to be achieved constantly, to conquer and improve and, especially, da proteggere.
Meet people who rather than let any of them reach and, see you always equal to the idea that you are made of you, sarebbero disposti ad annientarti.
La crescita culturale della donna destabilizza gli equilibri dell’entourage familiare fino a quel momento acquisiti”.
Santina Spirits is a living example of the theories of Martini.
The Spirits, courageous woman sui generis, selfmade woman, result of training to be "family-style" information, He was fortunate to have at home one of the first television put into circulation in 50, When he was just 5 years. A woman on horseback between past and present, which unlike Valeria decided to look beyond ... with courage, partire alla scoperta di sé.
She writes: "I left so, broken in body and mind, looking for myself, climbing up the slopes. Rafforzandomi. Strengthening them not to resume the descent. I, Wanderer on a path which, not knowing neither the location nor the mouth, I could only illuminate the next step with the substance of my actions ". ( pag. 49).
In 85, After 5 years of a psychosomatic illness that was already a wake and the loss of his left eye, She began a great work of introspection and comparison with others, Beginning to teach on the table of his stay, all’interno delle mura domestiche come insegnante di recupero.
The Spirits writes in text in question: "my house was my classroom, the table of my stay my chair, My Whiteboard sheets, the meeting point of our eyes the door of House. A few seconds to see if marriage took place the spark ". (Pag. 53).
In 2000, exactly the 20 July, After strong emotional pressures due to the feedback of success ... the explosion! Is casually sitting in meditation at the table of his stay and, in front of, a paper and a pen; considered as a channel between itself and the card where do all the emotions flowing tablets in his chest. Scrivendo alleggerisce il suo cuore e riesce finalmente a provare sollievo.
That was the moment when turns "writer". The first surprise is herself. At that time, having never written a single line in his life, the was absolutely unknown who would write other 13 publications on various fields of training, including a collection of 20 poems set to music. The House, then, was the operating field that saw materialize recovery teacher, Although not a graduate and, afterwards, Trainer of teachers with a methodology. Therefore also inventor. The Spirits writes in a chapter full of passion: “… My audience were my students, My stage ... my living room, the applause ... compliments I ever received. Many! Frank […] I graduated that I didn't. (Pag. 66).


Read here an article about “The Square” taken from the Christmas number “Campo de’ flowers”.


The method is also made Ronciglione, in Viterbo, with a course for students and teachers that saw involved participate with enthusiasm, underlining and confirming the excellent results of testing of the project. Ad evento concluso, lin magazine “Campo de’ flowers” ha pubblicato the ’ article entitled:




by Roberto

PDF FILE “Campo de’ flowers” online
the ’ article
campo_de_fiori-numero_109-articolo-The_square-inglese_comprensibile-215x300 Dicono di noi: <br/>articles, opinions and comments on The Square project

“Lo straordinario e innovativo
metodo d’insegnamento
della lingua inglese

designed and maintained by ’ teacher
Santina Spirits "

campo_de_fiori_rivista-online-screenshot-1024x640 Dicono di noi: <br/>articles, opinions and comments on The Square project

"The The Square
was born in a natural way
the enthusiasm,
from desire to transfer
their knowledge
e dall’esigenza
to arrive
il più
can close
alla comprensione of others "

"Campo de’ flowers " on facebook

The number 109 complete
campo_de_fiori-numero_109-294x300 Dicono di noi: <br/>articles, opinions and comments on The Square project


Here are more opinions…

Thursday,, 4 Jul.

So writes Mrs. Elizabeth Reynaud Como, Chiara's mother – 3° degree of dyslexia:

In five lessons of “the square” I learned more than in eight years of school!!! – Chiara

"When I first heard Chiara speak this sentence…my heart is filled with joy!!!! then…We got it made!!!…the road was the right one!!!
Chiara had raised her head after two years of severe reactive depression at school, and she was really testing herself, facing the monster that for many years had left her half dead on the road.
….and that had removed her almost any hope…..her vital spark.

The urge to resist returned to Chiara when she got back the certainty that she could success.

Elizabeth (Chiara's mother)

Hi Santina,
Thank you!!!
…for giving us a hope».


Monday, 1 Jul.

By Umbria24.it

THE SQUARE AND DYSLEXIA (Click here to read the article)
Santina-Spiriti1-260x180 Dicono di noi: <br/>articles, opinions and comments on The Square project

Terni, with ' The Square ' English made easy: the inventor says the new school method…
In four squares in scalar form lie the secrets of English syntax. To disclose it is a ternanian, Santina Spiriti




27 June

So writes Janet Antonini of Assisi:

“… I'll send you my baby Santina. It is now a little boy but just will now be in your schools. About around Foligno and Assisi there are schools that apply your method?”



27 June

So I writes Mrs. Daniela Mariani from Lanuvio (Rome) Giulia's mother:

Soon you will break the boxes..
I'm curious of your method…
Today Julia English campus begins in San Marino and very enthusiastic about the professionalism of san marino..
Giulia with its difficulties and ambitious girl and does not give up easily and always looking for tools that can help, and aware of the difficulties of dyslexia lives very conbattiva….E
everything around the joins in the know I call a «Fox ...» Julia loves the English language sing much in English..
I from mother having an awareness of its difficulty by second grade, over the school, the wore in a Manchester School x some.
I said to myself there are also English dyslexic children….
Then x Giulia I thought that listening in quodidiana reality was essential in English so we had good results….
Suffered much x its fix x does not have been understood in first grade ….A great desire to redeem himself in life….as a teenager he
his insecurities as all girls….I, as a mother, I am proud of the way he is perccorendo…



27 June

Writes Mrs. Valentina Vinci in Ronciglione (VT):

(I am already in contact with the leader of the inclusive)

“… I am a MOM of two girls one with dyslexia and dyscalculia l ’ other for now have diagnosed with dyspraxia because it is still small, and I'd like my daughter the next year will go to the middle school could learn the English ’ in the best way saw the ’ importance that today has this language, but being Dyslexic you know well that remains somewhat difficult, but she likes a lot, so I would take advantage of this before you meet the real difficulties and stop like. This is to say that I would very much like you speak of your project to our Istituto Comprensivo di Ronciglione”. Thanks Vale

* * *



Imparare_inglese-150x150 Dicono di noi: <br/>articles, opinions and comments on The Square projectRead the ’ article
Learning English to be more credible and competitive

by Tourism Think Tank



VITERBO. Gets The Square of Santina Spirits – (read the article)

by Lazionauta.it


Wednesday, 07 September 2011

In Como comes ‘ The Square ’: new project for learning English ’ – (read the article)

by Ciaocomo.it