The Square – Vol. 2

The Square – Vol. 2

vol-2-213x300 The Square - Vol. 2Isbns: 978-88-9843-865-5

The aim of the text "The Square 2″ is to give the student the means, even technicians, on how to ask questions and give answers at all times with the use of squares in scalar form. The arguments presented are all absolutely appropriate to the levels of their intellectual growth. Make the student a skilled performer in the use of the verb "to be" is the main objective of the text, in addition it puts to use articles, possessive and demonstrative adjectives, with prepositions of place. It was intentionally avoided the conjugation of the verb be because it is a purely Italian problem. The rules are presented in the form of playing cards. The Italian used as a side dish in the four corners of each single card, offers more possibilities of meanings. The Polyp character acting as teacher-guide is the protagonist of the story with morals, at the end of the text.